Feelings & Favorites !

  • Hello!

    Below are some highlights from last week:
    -skin is not so blotchy
    -mood is better
    -improved sleeping
    -more energy

    All around I feel lighter (if that makes any sense), less bloated. Surprisingly I had really bad headaches the first 3 days, I ‘thought’ I was eating pretty well and drinking plenty of water. But what I realized is that I stop for that latte around 2pm and tend to mindlessly snack throughout the day (sugar!).

    Here are some of the recipes I enjoyed most:
    -Blueberry Basil Zest Smoothie
    -Tuna/Egg Salad
    -Go-To Chicken
    -TJ’s Chicken Burger
    -PN “Chewy” Bars 🙂

    My goal for the week is to get in more work-outs and see weight loss.

    Good Luck!

    Posted by: Kelly W

  • Kelly, thanks so much for sharing your successes and favorite recipes! So many positive changes in such a short amount of time – I love it! What have you found to be the most helpful substitute for your afternoon latte or snacks?

    Posted by: icon Lia C - PN Nutritionist

  • PN Chewy Bars, smoothie or water!

    I’m excited to swing by Trader Joe’s for the 100% Dark Chocolate Bars and I plan to try dates stuffed with peanut butter 🙂

    Posted by: Kelly W

  • Oh my gosh – yes! I just went tonight and found out they now make the 100% dark chocolate bars with almonds and sea salt ??I think they knew we were starting P20!

    Posted by: icon Lia C - PN Nutritionist

  • Gah, I LOVE hearing this. Such a testament to the level of impact food and all around awareness has both inside and out!

    Posted by: icon Katie J - PN Nutritionist

  • I share the same sentiments toward improvements:
    -lighter, less bloated , down a few kg
    -reduced mindless snacking, feeling full between meals
    -energy is even, able to get up early and exercise
    -changed even habit of herbal tea and strawberry breakfast cookie (instead of pretzels, chocolate and wine).

    Favorites this week
    -Butternut squash and chickpea soup – made this in the pressure cooker, lunches all week
    -Seite tortillas warmed with a banana and sprinkle of cinammon
    -Go To Chicken
    -TJ chicken burgers
    -in a pinch, fruit, RX blueberry bars and Chomps

    Goals this week:
    -maintain water intake
    -keep exercising
    – make some of the amazing snacks mentioned in other posts!

    Posted by: LWBETH20

  • Hi Lisa,
    Thrilled to hear that you are also feeling lighter, less bloated and have increased energy – way to go!! Isn’t it motivating when we start to see positive changes!? Love the herbal tea + strawberry cookie swap for chocolate + wine…well done! Thank you for also sharing your favorites this week. It’s always fun to see what P20er’s are enjoying. Love your goals for the week – a few tips to maintain water intake is to fill up a 32oz water bottle and break your day into three chunks of time (9am-12pm, 12pm-3pm & 3pm-6pm). Try to finish one full 32oz water bottle during each three hour block of time. And if water isn’t easy to get down…try infusing it with lemons, limes, cucumbers, etc to add a little excitement. 🙂 Let us know what you think of the snacks mentioned as well! You got this!

    Posted by: icon Christina S - PN Nutritionist

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