Hello! I’m Allison from Minneapolis

  • A friend of mine recently completed this program and raved about it. I was intrigued right away! I have 2 kids, a job and care for my dad with Alzheimer’s. Seems like a lack of stress management and hormonal changes have taken over and I often feel just tired. My goal is to shift some unhealthy habits, open up some new ones and eat in a way that supports more energy and vitality. I’m excited to get started!

    Posted by: Allison S

  • Hi Allison!
    I’m so glad your friend referred you – welcome the P20 community!! We’re so glad to have you. Stress and hormone changes can certainly take a toll on your energy but you’re in the right place 🙂 You’ll learn some great healthy habits you can sustain to keep your energy up, your stress down, and your hormones balanced. Let us know if you have any questions at all throughout the program!

    – Lia, PN Nutritionist

    Posted by: icon Lia C - PN Nutritionist

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