Hello – Let’s do this!

  • My name is Kelsey and I’m from Minneapolis. I have participated in PN programs a few times in the past between 2015-2017 and loved the results each time. Fast forward to 2020 and weight has crept on, my metabolism has changed, and I’m not feeling healthy & fresh. Ready to commit to starting this new decade with and increased focus on eating right.

    Posted by: Kelsey T

  • Hi Kelsey! Thanks for introducing yourself and being a loyal P20-er! So glad to have you back 🙂 I love that your focus for 2020 and the next decade is eating healthier. I’m confident P20 is the perfect “jumpstart” to your healthy eating goals and will show you how to approach healthy eating so that it’s sustainable and works for you long-term!

    – Lia, PN Nutritionist

    Posted by: icon Lia C - PN Nutritionist

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