Lisa from Seattle

  • Hi PN team, I did PN back in 2014/2015 a few times. I am really interested in being healthy and maintaining my energy so I can be a good mom, wife and runner. It’s been more difficult the past few years since taking a global job ie crazy conference call hours and I travel internationally pretty often, which adds up to lots of amazing dinners, wine, and jetlag. During the trips, sometimes I can maintain the exercise and healthy eating [avoiding plane food and every dessert offered to me], other times it’s completely out the door or I don’t recover well……long story to say – I am off the rails right now – tired, bloated, grazing food when I’m not really hungry. I need a re-set, a north star so I can feel better. I can’t wait to do this with PN!

    Posted by: LWBETH20

  • Hi Lisa!
    You sound like a busy lady! Kudos to you for carving out these next few weeks to focus on YOU. I think you’re in the right place – you’ll get plenty of tips for healthy snacks, dining out, and simple ways to tune into your body’s needs and wants. In fact, if you head over to the Resources section on your Dashboard you can start taking a look at some handouts we’ve put together that I think you’ll find really helpful! So glad to have you!

    – Lia, PN Nutritionist

    Posted by: icon Lia C - PN Nutritionist

  • Thanks Lia! I I reviewed the lists and the brand list and travel tips are indeed very helpful! I also printed the food pyrimad which is a good reminder to build the base with veggies : )

    Posted by: LWBETH20

  • Oh I’m so glad you’re finding them helpful! Let us know if you have any questions!

    Posted by: icon Lia C - PN Nutritionist

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