
  • Hello, is there way to turn on notifications when a new item is posted or you receive a response to your question? I am just logging into the course, but afraid I will miss something useful on the discussion boards! Thanks, Lisa

    Posted by: LWBETH20

  • Hi Lisa! Yes, we are working on this now. Everyone should start receiving discussion board response notifications by tomorrow. We want to make sure you stay informed on any/all new messages. 🙂 Stay tuned!
    – Christina, Team PN

    Posted by: icon Christina S - PN Nutritionist

  • Thanks!

    Posted by: LWBETH20

  • Hi Lisa!
    You should now be able to adjust your notifications settings. Look below your Reply To box to turn on notifications when people reply to a topic you’ve posted. Let us know if you have any questions!

    Posted by: icon Lia C - PN Nutritionist

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