Why this, not that?

  • Hello,

    I have been busy cooking these last few days, and had a question about some of the ingrediants we are using.

    Why nut butters or almond butter, instead of a natural peanut butter?

    Why cocunut sugar instead of organic cane sugar?

    Why liquid aminos or tamari instead of soy sauce (some of which are very unprocessed? (I know we aren’t supposed to eat gluten for the 20 days, so I understand that for now, but what about after?)

    Posted by: SARAHL

  • Hi Sarah! Happy to answer these questions…

    Nut butters – Many people have minor intolerances to peanut butter so most of our recipes call for almond or an alternative nut butter. Also, almond butter is slightly healthier than peanut butter because it has more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. This said, if you prefer the taste of peanut butter and your body tolerates it well…by all means feel free to swap it in a recipe. Peanut butter is a great source of protein. Just make sure to buy organic and no sugar or oils added.

    Coconut Sugar – Nutritionally, one difference between coconut sugar and cane sugar is that coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index (meaning that it will have a lower impact on your blood glucose levels, not spiking insulin). Why? Coconut sugar has a smaller impact on your blood glucose levels than regular white sugar because it contains trace minerals (iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, and short chain fatty acids) that help slow absorption.

    Tamari/Soy – The biggest difference between tamari and other soy sauces is that tamari is most often made without wheat, while soy sauce typically contains wheat (up to 50 percent of its total content). Tamari also has fewer ingredients compared to soy sauce, containing only water, soybeans, and salt.

    Gluten After P20 – Good news…we do NOT think everyone needs to be gluten-free following the program unless you uncover that gluten is not serving your body well. In our Moving Forward section of the program we will prepare you for what we call P365, a balanced approach to eating that includes all of the foods/drinks that you are eliminating for 20 days so have no fear! 🙂

    Posted by: icon Christina S - PN Nutritionist

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