Hi Kimberly,
One idea is to pre-plan balanced snacks for the week – an apple with walnuts, banana with peanut butter, celery and hummus, etc. Once you’ve eaten your snack, wait 20-30 minutes and if you’re truly still hungry it may really be time for a meal! As you mentioned, every day can look a little different so it’s ok if dinner comes at 4:00 one day. Maybe you have your main meal a little earlier and then a snack around 8:00 so you’re not super hungry before bed. Giving yourself flexibility and allowing your body’s hunger cues to guide your day instead of a rigid eating schedule can also help relieve the guilt we sometimes feel when we’re hungry for a meal at an atypical “meal hour.” Staying well-hydrated and well-rested can also help differentiate true hunger signals from other signals your body may be sending you.
Hopefully this helps! Let us know if you have any questions!