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Here to echo you, Megan… I love the focus and support through the new materials in juggling all the things. I’m not abroad (I wish I was!) but I was traveling for 2 solid weeks and just arrive home on Saturday. I cannot tell you the amount of times I thought through the P20 lens and made choices based on my commitment to ME.
Also, side note. – but I loved this notion so much, I wanted to share… my therapist said to me before I left “make sure to bring yourself with you while you’re gone”. WOW. How that translates: when we travel or even go out socially we can leave behind WHAT makes us feel our best due to a number of factors. I loved the thought of really auditing that “WHAT”… how I eat, sleep and exercise and while it might not be the same as when I’m home, I sure can do my very best to empower/advocate for myself when I’m out of my environment.
Yay for new tools, mottos and ways to live our best life!

Posted by: icon Katie J - PN Nutritionist